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Wintergreen Creative offers opportunties to train in and perform theatre.

Wintergreen loves storytelling. Working with our bodies, our voices and musicians, we aim to create original work that reveals truth and connects us more deeply to ourselves, others, the world around us and beyond. To us, creativity is an invaluable human quality that needs to be nurtured. Creativity is the vehicle that will take us boldly into the unknown future and gives us the tools we need to bring our visions to life.

Keep an eye on this page for opportunities to create, train and perform with Wintergreen.

The Cell, an online play.

The Cell (online play, 2020)

In a dystopian future controlled by machines a group of human rebels confess their crimes.

CUSP, Wintergreen Creative's improv troupe.

CUSP Improv Troupe

A Nelson-based improv troupe active between 2019 and end of 2020.

The Wisp, a delightful family adventure.

The Wisp (2020/ 2021)

A whimsical improvised adventure complete with music and live visual art. Do you dare to follow the wisp?!

The Girl Who Climbed a Mountain and Saved the World, poster by Karolina Gorton.

The Girl Who Climbed a Mountain and Saved the World

A play for voices.

The Wishing Star, Christmas Special.

The Wishing Star (2020)

Wishes are going wrong on Earth! Two children must travel to the Wishing Star to put things right. No two shows are the same. 

The Outer Reach, an online improv show.

The Outer Reach (improv)

The space station is locked down again! Staff solve the problem from their individual rooms. Beamed out via Zoom/FB!

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